Picture: Oy Fluorotech LtdHand carving


FIPIF provides its member companies with many different services. For example sector groups, labor market advising, standardization, communication, events and technical support.

Composites recycling route: KiMuRa

Goals for Kimura -project 2020-2022: to find a technically and economically viable recycling process for industrial composite waste
Funding from Finnish government (environment) as part of the Plastics Road Map funding, Time frame: 1.1.2021 - 31.9.2022.

Goals achieved and more!


KiMuRa name comes from the Finnish words :
Kierrätetty Murskattu Raaka-aine meaning
Recycled Crushed Raw material
The project
KiMuRa 2020-2022
Brief project presentation of the KiMuRa project
764KB, updated on Oct 22nd 2021

More information by:
Pirjo Pietikäinen, Advisor at Finnish Plastics Industries Federation FIPIF, Composites Group pirjo.pietikainen a plastics.fi

Mika Mustakangas, Chair of composites group at Finnish Plastics Industries Federation FIPIF (Muoviteollisuus ry) mika.mustakangas a patriagroup.com

In Finnish www.plastics.fi/kimura

Presentations and information on KiMuRa-route

KiMuRa Onepager
223KB, updated on Jun 12th 2024
